Kamis, 28 Januari 2010


Whatever you age, the internet is agreat place to hang out. It's not only fun, it's also lets you keep in touch with friends and family and provides an enourmous amount of information. There are lots of great educational sites as well as places to keep in touch with your favourite sports, hobbies, music, and much more.If you're a teenager, you probably know about the benefits of using the internet. Many teenagers know more than their parents or teachers about the wonders of cyberspace.
Cyberspace is like a big city. there are libraries, Universities, museum, places to have fun, and palenty of opportunities to meet wonderful people from all walks of life. But, like in any community, there are also some people and areas that you ought to avoid and others that you should approach only with coution. Using the internet can sometimes be dangerous. learn these SMART rules and make sure that you always surf safely.

- SECRET : Always keep your name, address, phone numbers and passwords secret.
Giving them to people is like giving them the keys to your home!

- MEETING : Meeting someone you have met on the internet can be dangerous.
The best thing is not to do it. If you do meet someone, choose a
safe place.

- ACCEPTING : Accepting EMAILs from people you don't know or trust can get
you into trouble. They may contain viruses or nasty

- REMEMBER : Someone you meet on the internet may be lying and not who
they say they are. Stay in public areas in chat rooms and
be careful!

- TELL : Tell someone if you find someone or something on the
internet that makes you feel uncomfortable or worried!


Whatever you age, the internet is a great place to hang out.It's only not fun, it's also let's you keep in touch with friends and family and provides and enormous amount of information. There are a lots of great educational sites as well as places to keep in touch with your favourite sports, hobbies, music, and much more. If you're a teenager, you probably know about the benefits of using the internet. Many teenagers know more than their parents or teachers about the wonders of cyberspace.
Cyberspace is like a big city. There are libraries. Universities, museums, places to have fun, and plenty of opportunities to meet wonderful people from all walks of life. But, like in any community, there are also some people and areas that you ought to avoid and others that you should approach only with caution. Using the internet can sometimes be dangerous. Learn these "SMART" rules and make sure that you always surf safely.

SECRET : Always keep your name, address, phone numbers and passwords secret.
Giving them the keys to your home.

MEETING : Meeting someone you have met on the internet can be dangerous. The
best thing is not to do it. If you do meet someone, choose a
safe place.

ACCEPTING : Accepting EMAILs from people you don't know or trust can get
you trouble. They may contain viruses or nasty message.

REMEMBER : Someone you meet on the internet may be lying and not who
they say they are. Stay in public areas in chat rooms and
be careful!

TELL : Tell someone if you find someone or something on the internet
that makes you feel uncomfortable or worried.

Jumat, 22 Januari 2010

Language Functions

1. Giving and Asking Opinion. Dalam berintekaksi dengan orang lain, kadang-kadang
kita dimintai pendapat oleh orang lain (giving opinion) tentang sesuatu atau meminta pendapat kepada orang lain (asking for opinion) tentang sesuatu hal.
Berikut ini adalah contoh-contoh ungkapan :
a.Giving an opinion
* In my view...........
* In my opinion........
* I personally think...........
* I personally think...........
* To my understanding..........
* To my mind...................
b. Asking for opinion
* What do you think of........?
* How would you respond to....?
* Have you got any comments on....?
* Do you have any idea on this....?
* What is your oinion about.......?
* Any light on this...............?
* What is your reaction...........?
c. Giving opinion of apparoval
* I believe so.............?
* I believe so.............?
* I'm with you.............?
* I'm exactly of the same opinion.............?
* If you say so...............................?
d. Giving Opinion of disapproval................?
* I disagree with it,sorry.....................
* yes, but don't you think.....................
* I can't accept that.
* I don't think that is true
* I can't live with that
2. Expressing satisfaction and Dissatisfaction
Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari,manusia sering merasakan puas(satisfaction) dan tidak puas (dissatisfaction) tidak puas.
a. Expressing Satisfaction
* It's really satisfaction
* I'm satisfied with..........
* I'm so glad with what you have done
* That's quite good.
* I love it!
b.Expressing Dissatisfaction
* That's not good
* I'm not happy with that
* I'm dissatisfied with...........
* It's not very nice
3. Fear,Anxiety, and Relief
Terkadang kita merasa cemas (anxious)dan takut(afraid)terhadap sesuatu. Jika perasaan takut atau kegelisahan itu berlalu, biasanya kita akan merasa lega(relieve).Untuk mengekpresikannya menggunakan :
* I'm worried about..........
* It's so uneasy on it.......
* I'm very anxious...........
* I'm very much concern with.........
* I,m really terrified of............
* T'm afraid of......................
a. Saying if you are relieved
* Finally ! I'm so ..................
* That's a great relief.
* What a reliefe ?
* Marvelous !
4.Expressing Sadness
* I'm so sad
* How sorrowful it is !
* It's really hearts.
* I'm so upset about it
* It's very tragic.

Minggu, 10 Januari 2010


Berbicara di depan publik (public speaking)merupakan kemampuan yang masih dianggap langka.Sebenarnya kemampuan ini banyak sekali manfaatnya antara lain ;untuk menghibur,memberikan informasi,meyakinkan,membujuk dan lain-lain merupakan fungsi dari public speaking.mengingat pentingnya fungsi-fungsi tersebut dan kita juga membutuhkannya di dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Di samping itu dalam penampilan para pulic speaker,intonasi dan mimik muka menjadi modal yng sangat berharga untuk membawa audiens pada tema yang dibicarakan. Untuk itu ada beberapa jenis public speaking yang harus diperhatikan agar menjadi publik speaker yang baik.

A. News Presenter
Tidak ada perbedaan dengan Master of Ceremony, seorang News Presenter harus menguasai trik-trik berbicara dihadapan publik, termasuk trik membuka acara. Beberapa ekspresi yang biasa digunakan seorang News Presenter dalam membuka berita antara lain :

1. Good morning,You are watching....with me...

2. You'll be accompanied in the next half an hour by pungent and excitable news with
me.... stay in ....

3. Good evening,You are listening to ........

4. Good morning,106 FM will bring burning issues to your desk in twenty minutes ahead
With me ........

B. Master of Ceremony
Master of ceremony atau pambawa acara mempunyai tanggung jawab untuk memimpin jalannya satu acara,memecahkan kebekuan acara,mengarahkan acara pada tujuannya, dan bernagai tugas penting lainnya.Di bawah ini ada beberapa ekspresi untuk membuka sebuah acara :

1. I welome You all to this speech contest..........

2. Welcome to the annual Speech contest and Seminar 2010!

3. Let us share joy and happiness together,here,in exhibition 2010!

4. With more than 2000 participants,2 billion of sparkling prizes,broadcasted live
from studio 1,let us join.Happy Quiz!

Ketika menjadi MC ujaran-ujaran yang perlu diperhatikan sebagai berikut :

1. Opening Speech

a. Good Morning, Ladies and Gentlement.

b. Good afternoon everybody.It's a pleasant to be here.

c. It's a great honour for me to open this event.

2. Introducing the events

a. Ladies and Gentlement, We are gathering here to attend.....

b. Ladies and Gentlement. today We are going to have a big event.

c. Ladies and gentlement, this is a big moment for the event.......

3. Inviting Speaker

a. Ladies and gentlement, please welcome...........

b. We are very honoured to have invited...........

4. Closing Speech

a. That's the end of the session,Ladies and gentlement.

b. Ladies and gentlement,I would like to thank to.......

c. Ladies and gentlement, this is the end of ........

example :

Good morning, You are watching Amazing News with me Rina. In Jakarta, .....

That's the news for now. Thank you for watching.



Archive for the ‘Class X’ Category h1
may 21, 2010


Read the dialogue and then answer the questions.

Mrs. Thufailah : Najmi, have you finished washing the dishes?
Najmi : Yes, I have mom.
Mrs. Thufailah : Would you like to go to the shop and buy some ketchup? It’s gone.
Najmi : I just brought it last night.
Mrs. Thufailah : I couldn’t find it. Where did you put it?
Najmi : Wait for a minute mom. I am coming down ….. (after a few minutes). Here you are, mom.
Mrs. Thufailah : Oh, you put it there. You should put it at its usual place. Can you help me to cook?
Najmi : Surely, mom. What do you want me to do now?
Mrs. Thufailah : Get some chicken from the refrigerator, cut it into small pieces and wash it, okay?
Najmi : Yes, mum. ….. (after a few minutes)
I am through, mum. Here you are.
Mrs. Thufailah : Could you help me to set the table? Your father may be at home soon.
Najmi : Are we going to have dinner at home? He usually doesn’t.
Mrs. Thufailah : He said he would be home for dinner today.
Najmi : Alright. I’ll do it ….. (the telephone is ringing)
Hello, this is Najmi. Who is calling, please?
Hilal : Don’t you recognize my voice? This is Hilal.
Najmi : Hi, Hilal. What happen?
Hilal : Well, nothing special. Well, actually I want you to go with me to a book fair.
Najmi : Not at the moment, please. I am now busy helping my mom preparing for dinner.
Hilal : What a dilligent girl. Okey I understand. How about if we go in this afternoon at 3 or 4 p.m.?
Najmi : Wait for a moment. I’ll ask my mom first, okay? ….. Mom, can I go with Hilal to a book fair this afternoon?
Mrs. Thufailah : Don’t you have any lectures?
Najmi : I’m free and have no lecture this afternoon.
Mrs. Thufailah : If so, of course you may go. But, be at home before 7 p.m.. Remember, we’re having dinner together tonight.
Najmi : Thanks mom. Hallo Hilal, are you still there?
Hilal : Does your mom let you go with me?
Najmi : Yes, she does. Can you pick me up?
Hilal : I’ll be there at three, okay?
Najmi : Okey. Don’t be late.
Hilal : Bye.
Najmi : Bye.

1. What has Najmi just done?
2. What does her mother want her to do?
3. How does she express it?
4. Does she go to the shop to buy the ketchup? Why?
5. Why couldn’t her mother find where it was?
6. What else does her mother want her to do?
7. How does she express it?
8. “Your father may be at home in…..” what does the word may express?
9. Who is calling while Najmi setting the table?
10. Why does she call?
11. Where do they want to go?
12. Can Najmi go? Why?
13. What does Najmi say to get permission from her mother?
14. Can Hilal pick up Najmi?
15. What time will Hilal be at Najmi’s house?
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