Berbicara di depan publik (public speaking)merupakan kemampuan yang masih dianggap langka.Sebenarnya kemampuan ini banyak sekali manfaatnya antara lain ;untuk menghibur,memberikan informasi,meyakinkan,membujuk dan lain-lain merupakan fungsi dari public speaking.mengingat pentingnya fungsi-fungsi tersebut dan kita juga membutuhkannya di dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Di samping itu dalam penampilan para pulic speaker,intonasi dan mimik muka menjadi modal yng sangat berharga untuk membawa audiens pada tema yang dibicarakan. Untuk itu ada beberapa jenis public speaking yang harus diperhatikan agar menjadi publik speaker yang baik.
A. News Presenter
Tidak ada perbedaan dengan Master of Ceremony, seorang News Presenter harus menguasai trik-trik berbicara dihadapan publik, termasuk trik membuka acara. Beberapa ekspresi yang biasa digunakan seorang News Presenter dalam membuka berita antara lain :
1. Good morning,You are watching....with me...
2. You'll be accompanied in the next half an hour by pungent and excitable news with
me.... stay in ....
3. Good evening,You are listening to ........
4. Good morning,106 FM will bring burning issues to your desk in twenty minutes ahead
With me ........
B. Master of Ceremony
Master of ceremony atau pambawa acara mempunyai tanggung jawab untuk memimpin jalannya satu acara,memecahkan kebekuan acara,mengarahkan acara pada tujuannya, dan bernagai tugas penting lainnya.Di bawah ini ada beberapa ekspresi untuk membuka sebuah acara :
1. I welome You all to this speech contest..........
2. Welcome to the annual Speech contest and Seminar 2010!
3. Let us share joy and happiness together,here,in exhibition 2010!
4. With more than 2000 participants,2 billion of sparkling prizes,broadcasted live
from studio 1,let us join.Happy Quiz!
Ketika menjadi MC ujaran-ujaran yang perlu diperhatikan sebagai berikut :
1. Opening Speech
a. Good Morning, Ladies and Gentlement.
b. Good afternoon everybody.It's a pleasant to be here.
c. It's a great honour for me to open this event.
2. Introducing the events
a. Ladies and Gentlement, We are gathering here to attend.....
b. Ladies and Gentlement. today We are going to have a big event.
c. Ladies and gentlement, this is a big moment for the event.......
3. Inviting Speaker
a. Ladies and gentlement, please welcome...........
b. We are very honoured to have invited...........
4. Closing Speech
a. That's the end of the session,Ladies and gentlement.
b. Ladies and gentlement,I would like to thank to.......
c. Ladies and gentlement, this is the end of ........
example :
Good morning, You are watching Amazing News with me Rina. In Jakarta, .....
That's the news for now. Thank you for watching.
A. News Presenter
Tidak ada perbedaan dengan Master of Ceremony, seorang News Presenter harus menguasai trik-trik berbicara dihadapan publik, termasuk trik membuka acara. Beberapa ekspresi yang biasa digunakan seorang News Presenter dalam membuka berita antara lain :
1. Good morning,You are watching....with me...
2. You'll be accompanied in the next half an hour by pungent and excitable news with
me.... stay in ....
3. Good evening,You are listening to ........
4. Good morning,106 FM will bring burning issues to your desk in twenty minutes ahead
With me ........
B. Master of Ceremony
Master of ceremony atau pambawa acara mempunyai tanggung jawab untuk memimpin jalannya satu acara,memecahkan kebekuan acara,mengarahkan acara pada tujuannya, dan bernagai tugas penting lainnya.Di bawah ini ada beberapa ekspresi untuk membuka sebuah acara :
1. I welome You all to this speech contest..........
2. Welcome to the annual Speech contest and Seminar 2010!
3. Let us share joy and happiness together,here,in exhibition 2010!
4. With more than 2000 participants,2 billion of sparkling prizes,broadcasted live
from studio 1,let us join.Happy Quiz!
Ketika menjadi MC ujaran-ujaran yang perlu diperhatikan sebagai berikut :
1. Opening Speech
a. Good Morning, Ladies and Gentlement.
b. Good afternoon everybody.It's a pleasant to be here.
c. It's a great honour for me to open this event.
2. Introducing the events
a. Ladies and Gentlement, We are gathering here to attend.....
b. Ladies and Gentlement. today We are going to have a big event.
c. Ladies and gentlement, this is a big moment for the event.......
3. Inviting Speaker
a. Ladies and gentlement, please welcome...........
b. We are very honoured to have invited...........
4. Closing Speech
a. That's the end of the session,Ladies and gentlement.
b. Ladies and gentlement,I would like to thank to.......
c. Ladies and gentlement, this is the end of ........
example :
Good morning, You are watching Amazing News with me Rina. In Jakarta, .....
That's the news for now. Thank you for watching.
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